Saturday, April 11, 2009

Residential Windmills For Electricity

I was looking up designs for windmill ideas... I came across a Skystream model, and what caught my eye was the new blade design. NOW don't get too caught up... unless you have a cool $8,653 to start.. that doesn't include tax. YEEOWASAH!! These units are super expensive. But I have to say the blade design is nice.

My last residential windmill (it's a big one) I made cost me $287.35 and has a comparable output, so far. I'm still testing and need some wind speeds to verify, but it's looking good.

So why on Earth would I spend *$8,653 to generate 4ookwh? For that kind of price I could be off the grid 15 times over. I wouldn't, in a gigagilliontrillion years spend that kind of loot for something I could produce for 1/30th of the cost, but the blades did look cool.

I'm always looking for more efficient designs to improve my homemade windmills. I know these companies spend thousands to come up with maximum efficiency designs, and I'll acknowledge that. I'll also keep a watchful eye.

I wrote some more on the topic @ Residential Windmills For Electricity

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